Tips & Tricks


1. Filament diameter too small

If you see the plastic making ruffles on the first layer printed, the filament diameter you sliced with is too small.  The extruder is putting out more plastic than the print area can hold, so it ruffles up.  This happens a lot when changing colors of parts.  Your really need to measure the filament in 5 or 10 places and average to get a good number. I have to add .02 mm in addition because that is how my printer works. I have started saving the color of the filament as part of the file name just to keep track, but you could also put the filament diameter in the name also.

2. Filament diameter too big

If you see bare spots, or really really thin spots on the first layer you probably have the filament diameter you sliced with too big.  Take the measurements, adjust the filament diameter in you slicer and reslice to new file name with the color or the diameter in the name.

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